We’ve likely never met, so let me introduce myself. I’m Charlie and I want to share some exciting news before you hear it through the grapevine. I Am Now In Charge! Yes, you heard that right. Today I’m formally announcing my newly self-appointed position as the interim CEO of HindSite Interactive.
Why the change you ask?
Although over the last 12 years, Payman my colleague and founder of Hindsite has played a crucial role in organically growing the company into an award winning web consulting agency, it was time for some change around here.
What’s Going to Change?
The new motto is ‘Go Big or Go Home.’ and for starters I’m bringing some color and life into the agency. I did have to take a leap of faith to revamp our brand color and collateral design from its former. The result? Lots of red. Being that I’m all white, you can understand my hesitation. Why red? Great question. Red excites the emotions and motivates us to take action; last but not least I love red meat!

Ya I got mad design skills. u Diggin’ this?
The logo was next on my list to change.
I mean goodness; in hindsight (no pun intended) look at this old logo. It looks like a football coach’s field strategy or how I plan to chase my tail later. So we decided to can it and created a new clean, bolder look.
See that cool icon?
It’s an abstract representation of our long standing phrase: yesterday. today. tomorrow. Our clients hire us to help transition them from old design trends and technologies and bring them into the present and prepare them for the future. Our new logo represents this idea and a true reflection of what we’re about.
The office:
For over a decade we were head quartered in Frederick, Maryland. A great city with a lot of neat history behind it (and great food). But earlier this year I had us relocate to Rockville, Maryland. It’s just a half hour north of Washington, D.C.
Although over 50% of our client base is located outside of the D.C. Metro area and some we haven’t had the pleasure of meeting face to face, our new location allows us to visit clients from Northern MD to DC and Northern VA with easier access when time merits.
Our Website:
It was dark and depressing. I mean common, we run a design agency not a funeral home! So I had us tear down our old website, completely recreate it based on flat design and make it responsive so it’s both web and mobile friendly. Fun fact: over 50% of our work these days is redesigning and upgrading websites; so it made perfect sense that we practice what we preach.
Going Forward:
First, I’m going to require every team member up their caffeine intake to at least 2 cups to stay sharp and focus on projects. (No RedBull allowed; come to find out, It Freaking Doesn’t Give You Wings!) Second, I’m gonna be the Mascot for a little while; so you will find me on our new website www.hindsiteinc.com which you should checkout when you have some time (I’m guessing thats now, since you’ve read this far). Lastly, we’ll continue to provide you with our core services and work to further improve and refine our offerings for the rest of the year. For example over the course of the last year we have strengthened our capabilities to provide mobile and web app based services and through design and consulting helping our clients to improve their web and app based user experience to improve conversions and end of the funnel goals. Additionally we provide awesome retainer services where we fully manage and support websites for everything from your design, site maintenance, and awareness (SEO and SEM) needs. Stay sharp people. If you have questions send me an email at charlie at hindsiteinc.com. That’s right, I even have my own email addy and got my own desk too. Woof woof.
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